Sing this to your dog

June 16, 2010

to the tune of the 70’s “Spider Man” intro theme. Sing it as you come home and your dog freaks out. Unless you have a laconic dog, in which case, I feel bad for you.

Daddy’s home, daddy’s home

get excited ‘cuz daddy’s home

come to greet him at the door

just don’t shit on the kitchen floor

hey theeeeeeeere, rock out, ‘cuz daddy’s home

Ladies, substitute “mommy” if you like.

some ancient bones

June 16, 2010

here’s some old stuff from my old HD, scans and such… some date back to high school. To give a time frame, I was class of 2002.

from the kiln room wall of my high school art classroom, circa 2001

a fake book cover by me and "JNR" (wished to be made anonymous)

same as the rush cover.

I was bored at a D&D game circa 2004 or 2005 (?) and my friend Stephanie scanned this result

Guess what, I got comix

June 16, 2010

I draw them while at work, and then Ben scans/crops them while I get drunk in front of him and yell at movies. Behold.